Beginner’s Guide! How to Install and Configure PostgreSQL on Ubuntu

1. Introduction

PostgreSQL is a highly stable and high-performance relational database widely used in various applications and systems on Ubuntu. This article provides a clear, step-by-step guide on installing and configuring PostgreSQL on Ubuntu. It is designed for beginners, explaining each stage in detail and including instructions for verifying the installation and troubleshooting connection errors, so you can set up your environment with confidence.

2. Prerequisites and Preparation

First, ensure that your Ubuntu version is either 20.04 or 22.04. Before installing PostgreSQL, update your package list to retrieve the latest package information.

sudo apt update

This step helps ensure a smooth installation process.

3. Installing PostgreSQL

3.1 Adding the PostgreSQL Repository

The default Ubuntu repository may not always include the latest version of PostgreSQL. To install the latest version, add the official PostgreSQL repository.

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'
sudo wget -qO- | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/pgdg.asc

3.2 Installing PostgreSQL

After adding the repository, install PostgreSQL and additional tools using the following command:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib

3.3 Verifying the Installation

Once the installation is complete, check the PostgreSQL version to ensure it was installed correctly.

postgres --version


4. Initial Configuration

4.1 Setting Up the PostgreSQL User

When PostgreSQL is installed, a system user named postgres is automatically created. Switch to this user to manage the database with the following command:

sudo -i -u postgres

4.2 Editing Local Connection Settings

Modify the pg_hba.conf file to configure authentication settings. By default, only local connections are allowed. To enable remote connections, edit the following file:

sudo nano /etc/postgresql/14/main/pg_hba.conf

For example, you can enhance security by specifying md5 authentication as follows:

local   all             postgres                                md5
host    all             all               md5

After making changes, restart the PostgreSQL service to apply the new settings:

sudo systemctl restart postgresql

5. Quick Functionality Check

5.1 Starting and Stopping PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL starts automatically after installation. However, you can manually start, stop, or check the service status using the following commands:

sudo systemctl status postgresql
sudo systemctl start postgresql
sudo systemctl stop postgresql

5.2 Checking the Database

Use the psql command to connect to PostgreSQL and check the list of available databases.

sudo -u postgres psql

Once inside the PostgreSQL prompt, type \l to display a list of databases.

6. Installing and Configuring pgAdmin (Optional)

pgAdmin is a GUI tool that makes managing PostgreSQL easier. Install it using the following command:

sudo apt install pgadmin4

After installation, open a browser and access http://localhost/pgadmin to start managing PostgreSQL through the GUI.

7. Troubleshooting and Common Errors

7.1 Installation and Repository Errors

If you encounter dependency or repository errors during installation, verify that the repository URL is correct and update the package list again.

sudo apt update

7.2 Fixing Connection Errors

If you get an error like “password authentication failed” when connecting to PostgreSQL, check your pg_hba.conf settings and verify your password. Restart the PostgreSQL service after making changes.

sudo systemctl restart postgresql

7.3 Resolving Network Issues

If remote connections are not working, check the postgresql.conf file to ensure that listen_addresses is not set to “localhost”. To allow remote connections, modify the setting as follows:

sudo nano /etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf

Change the setting to:

listen_addresses = '*'

After making this change, restart the PostgreSQL service to apply the update.

sudo systemctl restart postgresql


8. Conclusion

In this article, we covered how to install PostgreSQL on Ubuntu, perform initial setup, and verify its operation. We also discussed using pgAdmin, enabling remote connections, and troubleshooting common errors. By following these steps, even beginners can confidently set up and manage their PostgreSQL environment.

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